1. Renewal on the road:
My weekly renewal plan includes balanced renewal in all four dimensions of my life. I ask- Am I spending about one hour a day on a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual activities?
Am I working daily to improve my social skills?
Am I making gradual changes from day to day to maintain and improve the things that help me to accomplish my work and other desires?
From my journal: I want to keep things simple this week, so I'm giving attention to two things only. First, how I speak to W - no snapping - use Calm Navigator Voice. And second, what I call Artist Eyes - looking with curiosity and attention to the world I see, and the messages I can express.
2. Read "Writing and Being":
I'm reading from a book that has been sitting my shelf for a few years, "Writing and Being: Embracing Your Life Through Creative Journaling," by G. Lynn Nelson (2004).
I've started chapter five: Centering in the Self. "As we write in our journals, we are, in effect, talking to ourselves. Invariably, one of the fundamental questions we are working on, then, whether or not we are aware of it, is: 'Who am I?'"
The author asks who is the self that writes about my self, beyond my roles and my ego? "When I am writing in my journal, I am not even aware that this watching process is happening but the act of writing nevertheless moves me out of the small self I am writing about and into the "I" that watches, the "I" that is my center..."
This is another thing, then, for me to practice letting go of this summer. Clinging to my identity in roles (artist, mother, teacher) - the Outer Self - keeps me separate from the Central Self that is the real me, and that has access to great peace and compassion. When I am protecting my pride and defending my ego in my roles, I cannot be centered in the Inner Voice and I will not have access to the Guide. The more I release hold of my ego, the healthier, more creative, and more effective I am for outer work in my many roles.
From my journal: The role that most often gets me in trouble is my Proud Girl self. When she is snapped at, or belittled, she gets indignant, hurt, and can react in petty, angry ways. She will probably never storm the Capitol, but she is capable of hurting others. Most often she gripes and whines, and withdraws.
I really think this might be the eyes and mind of my Central Self.
I'm going to sit outside to practice these three steps:
- First, center and relax each part of my body; count from 10 to 1, then open a connection to Spirit. Feel a soft warmth begin to grow and spread through me, until I am radiating quiet energy.
- Second, create a clear, detailed picture in my mind, as though the objective has been reached. Paint a vivid mental image of exactly how it looks and feels to be travel through life with Artist Eyes, looking with curiosity and attention to the world I see, and the messages I can express - and put as much positive energy into the image as possible.
- Lastly, affirm that this is what I want with a short positive phrase in the present tense: "I see with Artist Eyes - looking with curiosity and attention to the world I see, and the messages I can express.
The thought-image is like a signal-flare that guides the physical thing or deed to manifest in my life (or it's just a good way to keep my intentions in my mind). I will carry the vision of the completed goal with me, and focus on it often during the day, in a gentle manner.
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