Simplicity and abundance are not as much at odds as they seem. We can have full lives without being stressed and over-burdened. My goal this month is to continue with my intention to pare down to my essential priorities, while also paying attention (and opening doors) to the fullness of my life.
November is colder and wetter, drawing me deeper towards winter. This is a month when I celebrate the final fruits of summer’s work, and remember to express my gratitude.
Blótmónað is the word for November in Old English; it means Sacrifice Month, but the sacrifice is joyful, as Persephone goes peacefully down to the underworld every year. Peace is the fruit of total acceptance. In November I see the circle of life in all its full roundness - as it blossomed in spring and as it dies in fall.
Blótmónað is the word for November in Old English; it means Sacrifice Month, but the sacrifice is joyful, as Persephone goes peacefully down to the underworld every year. Peace is the fruit of total acceptance. In November I see the circle of life in all its full roundness - as it blossomed in spring and as it dies in fall.
1. Read "The Power of Less"
2. Set more intentions
3. Start an Abundance Journal
4. Simple Projects List
5. Holiday Housekeeping
1. Read "The Power of Less":
I'm reading to Chapter 14: Simple Daily Routines. He's preaching to the choir here as I am addicted to my routines. My morning routine currently includes:
- Reviewing my schedule and journalling about my essentials
- Short meditation
- "Duck Work", such as visioning and goal-setting
- Reading and writing
- Stretches
- and an abundance journal
The best advice he has, though, is to also have an Evening Routine, which is something I've never perfected. Ideas:
- Put ducks in and clean the kitchen
- Check my priority chart
- Add to my abundance journal
- Look at tomorrow's schedule
2. Set more intentions:
As life unrolls its mystery, all feelings of control are an illusion. We've been in crisis, and I reacted by drawing in and paring down to the essentials; that was a good idea, but is not sustainable. Why? Because I draw energy from involvement in the full catastrophe of life! How can I, then, maintain a simple schedule and stress-free lifestyle, while also opening doors to abundance??
I intend to maintain a simple schedule and stress-free lifestyle by choosing my commitments wisely, by choosing only three projects to work on at a time, and with less spending; I will plan for lots of rest, reflection, reading and quiet hand-crafting, because this wetter season is a time of sacrifice (releasing my expectations of going everywhere and doing everything) and paring down my activity in favor of introspection and good health; at the same time I will loosen my grip on clinging to control, and open the door to what the breeze is bringing, because no matter what happens going forward (to our family or the country) I will be more resilient if I have my face to the wind.
I intend to care for our home with scaled-back and simplified goals (specifically, continue daily chores with integrity, and give attention to clearing clutter), because this is the season of drawing inward to regenerate, and Simple Cleaning is one way I can re-focus my attention on family, creativity, and abundance while still maintaining a well-ordered and peaceful sanctuary for those I love.
3. Start an Abundance Journal:
To attract abundance into my life (and into the world), I need an abundance consciousness: That is, I need to be aware of the abundance already in my life, connect with it, feel grateful for it, and be ready to accept more of it.
Abundance consciousness opens my mind and helps me to operate at a higher-level; I see my prospects clearly and welcome obstacles as opportunities. When I believe there’s enough for everybody, I will take it as a challenge to figure out how to make it so; I will work harder to create a bright future for myself, my family, and my world.
Today I started an Abundance Journal practice that I will continue through the month. I started with a few minutes of quiet meditation to expand my awareness of what I want for myself and for others in my life. “Expansion is the great friend of abundance. It brings in the light, opening up new possibilities. In a relaxed, open state, your awareness sees farther, and life isn’t so confined.” (Deepak Chopra)
Then I wrote very short, simple answers to these queries:
1. What do I want today, for myself and for others?
2. What step can I take today towards abundance?
3. How can I express my gratitude today to people, the earth, and to God?
4. What one thing could I create today, to expand abundance in the world?
Later I answer:
5. What filled me with light today?
4. Simple Projects List:
Last month I initiated Babauta's "Simple Projects List" - with my top three projects only, which I need to finish before starting any others. (A "project" is something that has several steps, and takes only a week or two.)
"The top three projects on your Simple Projects List will be your entire focus until you finish all three ... This ensures that you aren't spreading your focus too thin, and that you are completing your projects."
It's been great! I have actually been able to chip away at projects much more effectively than ever before.
Tips: You can't actually do projects - you can only do tasks. Make a list of tasks for each project, and focus on doing one at a time. Each day, choose three tasks to complete.
5. Simple Holiday Housekeeping:
This is a time of year to purge, to give or throw away things I don’t need, give up habits I don’t want, and pare down my activities to make time for introspection.
Today I set an intention to care for our home with scaled-back and simplified goals, because this is the season of drawing inward to regenerate, and Simple Cleaning is one way I can re-focus my attention on family, creativity, and abundance while still maintaining a well-ordered and peaceful sanctuary for those I love.
- Continue daily chores (toilets and floors, etc.) with integrity - think of "Holiday Clean", ready for guests.
- Give daily attention to clearing clutter, to prepare for holiday abundance.
- Shift focus from garden care to garden crafting.
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