April 26, 2021

Full Hare moon

Tonight is the full moon; this one is called the Hare Moon, because it's the month when rabbits leap and play and mate.

Carmella and Toffee

We are now at the peak of the strong-energy yang phase of the waxing moon, and will soon begin the quiet-energy yin time of the waning moon. But today it's time to CELEBRATE! The full moon is a time of fruitfulness, creativity, and completion, and also strong (sometimes overwhelming) emotion. This month I feel hopeful, energetic, and also hesitant, and I want to acknowledge and embrace the whole spectrum of my emotions. 

Today I will celebrate how far I've come and give thanks for the lessons learned and the blessings received.

Agenda today:
1. Journal queries
3. Celebrate my theme of Balance
3. Finish Braiding Sweetgrass
4. Full moon ceremony

1. Journal queries:
The full moon shines a bright light on everything, and I might experience intuitive and creative breakthroughs. I might be shocked by the clarity of my insights. 

At this phase, I'll see the work I've been putting in begin to pay off, but also see where I need to work harder. I might see some ugliness - the full moon illuminates all the things I've left in the shadows, some heavy truths and some embarrassing mistakes.

Today I sit down with my journal, and my Sleepy New Moon list of goals, and I seek the truth:
Do these aims all still seem vital? What are my deepest reasons for persuing these goals?
What beliefs, obstacles, doubts, or attachements are holding me back? Can I release them now? 
What opportunities for growth do I see today? What are my next steps?

Make two lists:

1. Write out the things I want to celebrate: My achievements, and events of the last two weeks that deserve commemoration.
2. Write out a few things I'd like to release this month: Habits, beliefs, obstacles, and attachments.

2. Celebrate Balance:
My theme continues to be balance, the balance of concentration and mindfulness, action and study, social and alone time, yearning and resistance. My life flows around the solid base of my center. Today I remind myself of my intentions, and then celebrate my accomplishments and reaffirm this theme for the next two weeks.

After reviewing my goals and my accomplishments of the last two weeks, I am ready to celebrate balance in three ways:
  1. A walk by the creek to take photos of ducks, and connect to my home place.
  2. Calm and prayerful work time in my garden
  3. Pack for my visit tomorrow to see my mom!
3. Finish Braiding Sweetgrass:
I've been reading this book for several weeks now, and I'm nearing the end. Yesterday I finished the chapter called Shkitagen: People of the Seventh Fire- 

“there’s a fire you must tend to every day. The hardest one to take care of is ... Your own fire, your spirit.” 

The Seventh Fire is now, if we can reclaim past culture, language, and sacred teachings. This chapter tells that all the people of the earth will see that the path ahead is divided. They must make a choice.... One ... is soft and green with new grass. The other path is scorched black, hard; the cinders would cut your feet.

"We do indeed stand at the crossroads. Scientific evidence tells us we are close to the tipping point of climate change, the end of fossil fuels, the beginning of resource depletion. ... those lifeways, lacking balance, justice, and peace, have not brought us contentment."

Permelia and Madeline
4. Full moon ceremony:
The full moon is the right time to celebrate wins and release losses. Since it's a time of high energy and emotion, I use this simple and quiet ceremony:

1. Take the two lists I wrote, along with a lit candle, outside after dusk and look for the moon in the northeastern sky. Plant my feet firmly on the ground, take some slow breaths, and soak up the light of the full moon.

2. Read out my list of things to celebrate: My achievements, and events of the last month that deserve commemoration, and thank the universe.

3. Read out my list of things I'd like to release this month: Habits, beliefs, obstacles, and attachments. Hold this list to the flame and watch the smoke and ash float away.

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