July 23, 2021

Full Thunder Moon and Asalha Puja

Tonight is the full moon called the Thunder Moon. July days have the humming energy of a summer storm. The sun is at the peak of its power, lighting all corners with its radiance, and burning away all non-essentials. It's a month of passion and activity: I'm challenged to stretch, and try new, uncomfortable things. My life expands; my thoughts become clear. I am primed for success.
Today is also Asalha Puja, a Theravada Buddhist festival that takes place on the full moon of July. Asalha Puja celebrates the Buddha's first sermon, in which he set out the teaching of the four noble truths. The day is observed by donating offerings to temples and listening to sermons.

We are now at the peak of the strong-energy yang phase of the waxing moon, and will soon begin the quiet-energy yin time of the waning moon. 

But right now it's time to CELEBRATE! The full moon is a time of fruitfulness, creativity, and completion, and also strong (sometimes overwhelming) emotion. This month I feel energetic and loving, and also distrustful and melancholy, and I want to acknowledge and embrace the whole spectrum of my emotions.

Today I will celebrate how far I've come and give thanks for the lessons learned and the blessings received.

Agenda for today:
1. Journal queries
2. Study the Four Nobel Truths
3. Full moon ceremony

1. Journal queries:
The full moon shines a bright light on everything, and I might experience intuitive and creative breakthroughs. I might be shocked by the clarity of my insights. 

At this phase, I'll see the work I've been putting in begin to pay off, but also see where I need to work harder. I might see some ugliness - the full moon illuminates all the things I've left in the shadows, some heavy truths and some embarrassing mistakes.

Today I sit down with my journal, and my New Moon list of goals, and I seek the truth:
Do these aims all still seem vital? What are my deepest reasons for persuing these goals? 
What beliefs, obstacles, doubts, or attachements are holding me back? Can I release them now? 
What opportunities for growth do I see today? What are my next steps?
Make two lists:
1. Write out the things I want to celebrate: My achievements, and events of the last two weeks that deserve commemoration.
2. Write out a few things I'd like to release this month: Habits, beliefs, obstacles, and attachments. 
2. Study the Four Nobel Truths:
The Four Nobel Truths are: 
  • There is suffering
  • suffering is caused by craving
  • there is a state beyond suffering and craving; 
  • and the way to nirvana is via the eightfold path
3. Full moon ceremony:
The full moon is the right time to celebrate wins and release losses. Since it's a time of high energy and emotion, I use this simple and quiet ceremony:

1. Take the two lists I wrote, along with a lit candle, outside after dusk and look for the moon in the northeastern sky. Plant my feet firmly on the ground, take some slow breaths, and soak up the light of the full moon.

2. Read out my list of things to celebrate: My achievements, and events of the last month that deserve commemoration, and thank the universe.

3. Read out my list of things I'd like to release this month: Habits, beliefs, obstacles, and attachments. Hold this list to the flame and watch the smoke and ash float away.

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