July 20, 2021

Waxing Gibbous Moon

The waxing gibbous moon is the not-quite-full moon: Waxing means getting larger, and gibbous means humped or protuberantThis phase of the moon has the high-energy that provides a push towards completion. In four days, at the full moon, we will turn again towards the yin time of inner activity, so I make an effort in these next few days to finish my tasks that require greater physical effort. The waxing gibbous moon a time for reevaluation, refinements, and creativity.

1. Journal queries
2. Creative visualization

1. Journal queries:
Right about now in the moon cycle, things in my life might feel like they are aligning into a good order, and I will clearly see those things that are out of alignment. It's a good time to take a new look at my goals, reevaluate and refine them, and adjust my plans.

Do I still want to complete all the goals I listed at the new moon?
Which can appropriately be saved to complete in the waning (yin) phase, and which should I make an effort to finish now?
Which can and should be put off until next month?
What new habits will help me to nurture my ideas and projects? What creative shifts in thinking or acting can I take now?

2. Creative visualization:
At the gibbous moon I make my last push for action, and I call on the practice of visualization to help bring my goals to fruition. Today I choose my top three action goals to shine a light on:
1. Integrity focus: Finish things I start (paintings, quilt patch, busy board) 
2. Quaker Earthcare newsletters, support, and web page.
3. Clear for integrity: Papers, chairs, etc.

Creative visualization is a technique that uses my imagination to create change. It has three steps:

  • First, center and relax each part of my body; count from 10 to 1, then open a connection to Spirit. Feel a soft warmth begin to grow and spread through me, until I am radiating quiet energy.
  • Second, create a clear, detailed picture in my mind, as though the objective has been reached. Paint a vivid mental image of exactly how my Loving Earth block will look when finished, and how it will feel to hold it - put as much positive energy into the image as possible. 
  • Lastly, affirm that this is what I want with a short positive phrase in the present tense; for example, "My Loving Earth panel will express how I feel about climate change and will be an inspiration for action for others."
The thought-image is like a signal-flare that guides the physical thing or deed to manifest in my life (or it's just a good way to keep my intentions in my mind). I will carry the vision of the completed goal with me, and focus on it often during the day, in a gentle manner.

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