September 14, 2021

Navratri, Part 3, and September First Quarter Moon

 Navratri continues for three more nights, with the arrival of Saraswati. 

The word navratri means nine nights; on each set of three nights we meditate on a different aspect of Shakti, the universal principle of energy and creativity, Mother Earth, and the feminine power in each of us. For these final three nights we honor and thank the Divine Mother as Saraswati, who is "the essence of self".

And this is the First Quarter Moon; we are one-quarter of the way through the moon cycle. The moon is waxing - getting larger - until it's full again. Now is the time to remain flexible, use my obstacles as fuel for growth, and show full effort for priorities.

Agenda Today:
1. Morning meditation on wisdom
2. Journal queries
3. Make a full effort plan
4. Add to my altar
5. Evening visualization and prayer

6. Lakshmi mantra
1. Morning meditation on wisdom:
During Navratri, Hindus work on their
 vyavhaar (behaviour) and acharan (character). Each of the three goddesses signifies a stage of the spiritual journey we all go through: Durga’s strength and energy creates an opening, Lakshmi’s success and fortune nurtures growth, and Saraswati’s wisdom and knowledge leads to enlightenment, happiness, and peace.

On my path I pass through the stages that everyone has to pass through- one naturally leads to the next. As I eliminate an undesirable quality, I develop the virtue opposite to it. Each time I succeed in developing and strengthening my good qualities, I am ready to receive another bit of the Light, moving towards enlightenment- that is what the nine days of Navratri are all about.

On each morning of Navratri I light a small white candle, center, and feel myself fill with thankfulness for all I have now in my life. For these next three mornings I meditate on my inner wisdom, and the new light and understanding I have received this season.

2. Journal queries:
Today, at the first quarter moon, I prepare to give full effort to my priorities. 
Which of my priorities am I having the most trouble acting on this month?
What potential challenges and obstacles do I face this week and month (things I don’t enjoy, don’t know how to do, or feel blocked on)? How can I best meet these challenges?
How will I find the inspiration that will spark full effort for my priorities, every day, over and over? 

I will certainly face obstacles. Today I want to say that my biggest obstacle is obstinate people, but I need to own my part in that! I could be more flexible myself, and a better listener. The challenge to flexibility is rigidity; my practice this week is bending, giving in, and being willing to help others.

3. Make a full effort plan: 
Full effort (sometimes called exertion) is one of the steps of mental discipline on Buddha’s eightfold path. Buddha was urging full effort for awakening the mind; a first step is to practice full effort for whatever is most important in your life right now - for your priorities. 

Full effort requires attention (remembering what it is you want to do and your deepest reasons why), a spark of energy and determination (connecting to your excitement for life each day and each moment, and sustaining it long enough to accomplish your priorities), and balance (holding your intentions lightly in the complexity of life).

My big projects this week are writing and service. I need to have more time to write my book, and get it ready for my test group. And I've got SO many activism commitments this week! 

My plan is to carve out as much time as I can to work at my writing every day, taking it one step at a time, and when my time is up, set it aside and move on to my other priorities, without any angst or regret. 

4. Add to my altar:
For the next three nights the Mother is invoked as Saraswati,
 the Goddess of learning, wisdom, speech, music, and all the creative arts. Hindus often put books and art tools on the puja so that Saraswati can bless them.

Today I added a paint brush, pen, and other art tools to rededicate myself to creative expression (something which my grandson and I are growing I together!)

5. Evening visualization and prayer:
I end each day of Navratri with a prayer. For these last three nights I honor the intuitive aspect of the Mother.

Saraswati is dressed in white, holds a scroll and plays music on a veena. She is called the Flowing-One because she comes from the river, and offers the gift of fluidity in speech and thought. She is the embodiment of the knowledge of Truth and spiritual wisdom. Saraswati shines with the pure light and uplifting energy of sattwa.

I picture this Mother spirit sitting on the blossom of my heart, sprinkling me with cleansing waters, and shining the light of wisdom, peace, and Truth.

“Thank you, Great Spirit, for providing energy for the earth to move around the sun, and for maintaining the correct balance of the universe. You are the earth. You nourish support, protect, and mother all creatures, all beings. I ask you to help me to develop and maintain patience, forgiveness, compassion, loving-kindness, and integrity, and guide my voice to speak the Truth." 

6. Saraswati Mantra:
I focus on my image of Saraswati and chant- 

  • Om - the primordial sound 
  • Aim - from which knowledge and powers of speech emanate 
  • Sa-ra-swath-yai - goddess of wisdom 
  • Na-ma-ha - I pray.
(You might want to chant along with someone who knows how. Many YouTube versions exist, and my favorite is here.)

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