September 28, 2021

Third Quarter Moon

Today's waning third quarter moon
 energy is yin - quiet, internal, heart-driven, intentional Being-ness. The focus for the next few days is on renewal, cleansing, and self-care.

1. Renewal plan
2. Self-care routine
3. Cleansing
4. Fall cleaning
1. Renewal plan:
“Feeling good doesn't just happen. Living a life in balance means taking the necessary time to renew yourself. It's all up to you… You can revitalize yourself and face a new day in peace and harmony. Or you can wake up in the morning full of apathy...” --Stephen Covey
I try to renew all four dimensions of my life (body, mind, heart, and spirit), as Stephen Covey taught: I spend about an hour each day on a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual regeneration activities, plus work to improve my social skills and relationships. Today's waning half moon is my opportunity to review how I'm doing, and make note of what could be improved:

Body & Discipline: Am I walking fast daily, plus some stretching, strength, and aerobics; eating well and drinking plenty of water; budgeting, saving, and spending within my means; sleeping and playing?

Mind & Vision: Am writing in my journal regularly; expressing myself with art and writing, reading a book on principled living; researching or studying something; teaching others?

Spirit & Ethics: Am I maintaining a daily awareness practice; maintaining my integrity; reviewing and working to understand my mission; immersing myself in creation (writing, art, and nature)? 

Heart & Passion: Am working daily to improve and repair relationships with my family and friends; making new friendships; volunteering my time in service; working to understand and care for myself; studying and practicing better skills for patience, listening, and communication?

From my Journal: I'm currently suffering with tendonitis again, and I'm doing my daily painful therapy... seeing some improvement, but the tingling in my arm definitely takes a toll on my mood and energy. Otherwise, everything is clear, and I'm full of focus, and working with some obsession on my writing.

2. Self-care routine:
Caring for myself with persistence will give me the energy and health I need to succeed. More energy means more focus, so I can approach my goals with more discipline.
Painting rocks!

Self-care involves eating well, exercising, sleeping enough, and taking time for renewal of my soul; also, self-care includes budgeting, which I've finally gotten a handle on! (It turns out that a budget really does relieve stress.)

I have found that having self-care rituals helps me to stay on track: When I have a routine I am more likely to maintain the discipline to do it every day. 

Intentions this next month
  1. 8:00 - Budget a little bit everyday, just a little check in with numbers, to desensitize myself.
  2. 10:00 - LONG walking adventures with Aldo (to the dog park, different playgrounds, the bike path, downtown)
  3. 2:00 - Art play, for renewal, either with Aldo or by myself. Play with paint or drawing for 30 minutes each day! (I'm continuing to plan this out on my white board).
  4. 4:00 - Tendonitis therapy for 20 minutes, then ice. 
3. Fall cleaning and decorating:
Fall cleaning has an entirely different feel and focus than spring cleaning. In the fall we finish up, pack away, and "batten the hatches" -- we put away all the outdoor stuff, air out the sweaters, and prepare for winter. 
This week I'm focusing in the studio and front garden beds. I plan to:
  • Put away fans and camping gear
  • Sort one box to take to recycle
  • Clear weeds and plant fava beans
4. Cleansing:
Cleansing means to purify my body/soul/mind and my sacred spaces, clearing out the negative energies that harbor there. I can choose from a wide variety of methods, and this month I'll stick to my favorite - a long bath with bath salts, music, and a candle.

1 comment:

    Hope the tendonitis is improving. It might take a while.
