Tonight is the First Quarter Moon; we are one-quarter of the way through the moon cycle. The moon is waxing - getting larger - until it's full again. Now is the time to remain flexible, use my obstacles as fuel for growth, and show full effort for priorities.
I use this February quarter moon's energy to lean in to love.
Agenda for today:
1. Read "It's a Meaningful Life"
2. Journal Queries
3. Full effort for Love
4. Make a full effort plan
1. Read "It's a Meaningful Life":
I've been slowly re-reading "It's a Meaningful Life; It Just Takes Practice," by Bo Lozoff (2000). Chapter 15 is What Are We Thinking?
This chapter is mostly about video games and what we watch on TV (because 25 years ago those were still the biggest sources of stupidity and violence), but the underlying issue is respecting our minds and our children's minds enough to prevent polluting and stagnating them.
"So it is indeed proper to censor not only our children's viewing and listening but also our own. We don't have to get puritanical or humorless about it, just a little more respectful of the mind as a precious instrument that we need to care for a little better."
He suggests you make a vow to be deliberate about what you watch, read, and listen to, and avoid anything that exploits our fascination with sex, violence, power, and wealth.
2. Journal queries:
Today, at the first quarter moon, I prepare to give full effort to my priorities; I remember that for each opportunity in life there is a challenge.
My theme this month is receptivity and love, and the challenge is rigidity and anger. If I am stubborn and uncompromising, and I hold on to resentments and grudges, I will block the free flow of love in and out of my life. The practices for meeting these challenges are to give in, open up, offer help, and notice the joy.
Which of my priorities am I having the most trouble acting on this month? How can the practice of opening help me?
What potential challenges and obstacles do I face this week and month (things I don’t enjoy, don’t know how to do, or feel blocked on) and how can I best meet them?
What do I need (tools, information, allies) in order to best practice the habits that lead to love? To whom can I offer help, and how do I remember to notice the joy?
3. Full Effort for Love:
I want to give full effort for Love; to lean in and give my full attention when talking to someone; to put care into loving actions such as cooking and changing a diaper; to be mindful of the details, and strive untiringly for unity, patience, gratitude, and equanimity.
I will practice love like my hair’s on fire, or like a snake has landed in my lap. In each day I will really connect to my excitement for life; clean the house of my mind - tell myself to “let it go”, again and again and again; do this everyday, forever, because it is worth it.
“Like the other paramitas, exertion has a journey quality, a process quality. When we begin to practice exertion, we see that sometimes we can do it and sometimes we can't. The question becomes, How do we connect with inspiration? How do we connect with the spark and joy that's available in every moment? Exertion is not like pushing ourselves. It's not a project to complete or a race we have to win... Exertion is touching in to our appetite for enlightenment. It allows us to act, to give, to work appreciatively with whatever comes our way.” -Pema Chodron
4. Make a full effort plan:
Yesterday I set an intention to "be more proactive, prepared and present at committee meetings, taking time to read agendas and materials and plan my responses, and help things run smoothly, because integrity requires me to be generous with my time, and step firmly back into my leadership roles."
Today I made a full effort plan / schedule for just one of my committees - our Earthcare Action Group:
- Today: Write a report for Peace and Justice, outlining my plans, including a climate minute.
- Thursday: Make a poster for the March event.
- Friday: Write a February Challenge information page (re: planting natives), and post also on the Earthcare blog.
- Saturday: Send out news and links, and an invitation to meet to brainstorm Earth Week actions.
- Sunday: Begin next Earthcare blog post.
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