February 8, 2025

Sabbath for Joyful Inspiration

Joy is the jewel hidden in my clothing
always with me but often forgotten. Feelings of joy grow out of attention to the love in my life; it’s the elevated state of simple delight, and anything can trigger it. I only need to remind myself to slow down, and savor the experiences of being alive.

The Dalai Lama says, "The purpose of life is to be happy". I long for a life with no anxiety, no loneliness, grief, disappointment, or sadness, but only an ongoing feeling of joy! But true happiness comes when I enter into the "full catastrophe" of my life with an open mind and heart, using all of the day-to-day insults as a way to awareness. It’s the ability to be relaxed enough to receive the pleasant without clinging to it and the unpleasant without pushing it away. If I can let events unfold - whether they are glorious or wretched- the joy is there, in the vividness of life.

1. Read "The Creativity Book"
2. Find inspiration
3. Simple project list
4. Joy practice

1. Read "The Creativity Book"
A few years ago I started but didn't finish this book by Eric Maisel (one of my favorite writers). The subtitle is "A Year's Worth of Inspiration and Guidance." Who doesn't want that?I've just begun Part 6: Use Yourself. This section is all about accepting myself as the expert on my own creative projects, and trusting that my instincts and knowledge will guide me.

Week 22 is Get Ravenous"In order to create, you need reasons to create; then your natural appetites, your lust for life, your desire for ... big creative projects will return. Once life feels meaningful, your appetite returns of its own accord."

Maisel suggests that I make my mouth water for creativity: Pick a juicy project and let it tempt, entice, and allure me, until I need to devour it!

2. Find inspiration:
I really do need to spark inspiration today, and make a start on a juicy project. The first step is an internet search for ideas on the theme of hearts!

I'm thinking of two valentines projects - one for me to sew and one for the boys to glue. 

3. Simple projects list:
My simple projects list this week is:
  1. Valentine appliqué (Tasks: Collect and display fabrics, choose a frame, make a pattern, cut backing fabric...).
  2. Valentines with the boys (Task: Gather collage materials in a box, cut cardboard hearts, prepare paints...).
4. Joy practice:

Each week of the Love Cycle I have a new attitude to practice, and this week it is Joy.

Do this Joy Practice every morning for one week--
  • Ground to earth, stretch towards the sky, feel joy flow up and out, then down again to the earth. 
  • Touch my heart and open to the joy energy- this is the jewel. 
  • Open my mind- Remember the jewel; pay attention to the everyday joy of being alive! 
  • “Spirit, help me to share and celebrate the joy of life and love".

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