February 10, 2025

Living Room Questions

The living room is the sanctuary of our home, where we gather to be safe and together. It's the entry to our home, the welcoming arena, and where we celebrate life together. This is a shared family space: We fill and arrange the room together; it’s our creation- we speak our souls into the emptiness, and suddenly, there is life. 

Agenda today:
1. Read "One Year to an Organized Life"
2. Clean and clear the living room
3. Simple steps for health

1. Read "One Year to an Organized Life":
I'm enjoying this book by Regina Leeds (2008) ; the subtitle promises I will get "Completely Organized for Good"! 
While I don't consider myself to be hopelessly disorganized, I have identified several areas that need improvement.

I'm reading a section called Relaxing in the Common Rooms (which is in the October Chapter). She suggests that I see the common room with new eyes, entering as if for the first time, and ask these questions:
  • What is the first impression people have when they enter our house? Is the room infused with energy? Does it feel loved?
  • Does the room invite one to stay? Is there a good place to sit?
  • What pleases me about our living room, and what do I not like?
  • Which furniture has meaning for me, and which might I like to replace? What could be reclaimed, refinished, repaired?
  • Is there too much cutter? Are surfaces too full? Is there order in the chaos? 
  • Can we find things? What will I unearth in the darkest, deepest, mystery drawers? What can we eliminate?
  • What about the wall surfaces?Are they pleasing or overwhelming?
  • Have I allowed the family to contribute equally to the expression?
2. Clean and clear our living room:
In February my cleaning focus is woodwork and doors, and Black Holes: the mysterious deep dark spaces of storage that I haven't looked in for years. This week I'll clean in the living room:
  • Clean the doors, front and hall.
  • Clear out the black holes- the toy box, hat basket, and china cabinet: Collect everything that needs a new home in a big box and at the end of the week, find a new spot or donate.
  • Update the nature table: It's now the beginning of the end of winter - add early spring flowers and birds,
3. Simple steps for health:
This year I've decided to review and work at the Simple Steps model for improving my self-care. I've been choosing one new habit each week to build and monitor. This week I intend to review and institute good foot care, so they can continue to take me where I want to go.
  1. Examine my feet once a week with a mirror: As you age, the muscle tissue in your feet can thin and your nerves may not work effectively. Examine the soles of feet and in-between toes for cuts, blisters, sores, or changes to the nails.
  2. Buy the right footwear - do I need better walking shoes?
  3. Keep my toenails trimmed.
  4. Get the blood flowing. As you age, you may have decreased blood circulation to feet. To promote healthy circulation: Prop up feet on a stool or couch when sitting down. Wiggle toes when you sit for long periods of time.
  5. Keep my feet moisturized to prevent cracking, itching and calluses.
  6. Fight fungal infections. Apply foot powder each day.
  7. Visit a podiatrist regularly for foot checks. Your podiatrist can catch problems like bone spurs, hammertoe, neuromas, bunions, warts, ingrown toenails or wounds before they cause more serious problems.

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