February 11, 2025

Tu B'Shevat

Tu B’Shevat (to b’sch VAHT), the Jewish New Year for Trees, begins tonight at sunset, the evening before the full moon. This is the season in Israel when the earliest-blooming trees start a new fruit-bearing cycle. In contemporary Israel it’s celebrated with tree planting ceremonies and a focus on ecological awareness, and a seder (ceremonial meal) of tree fruits.

1. Tree of Life meditation
2. Plant a tree
3. Intentions for Earth-Care
4. Share a seder meal

1. Tree of Life meditation: 
Detail from "Presence".
I like the focus on trees and ecology at Tu B'Shevat, but I also appreciate the deeper symbolism expressed by the Kabbalists: They have an image of God as an upside-down tree, whose roots are invisible to us, and whose trunk and branches reach downward toward us. 

Through this Tree of Life flows love, enlightenment, and persistent creation, causing the world and each of our lives to bloom. In Transformational Kabbalah, the Tree of Life becomes a pragmatic tool for seeing how and why things, people, and events manifest in our lives - and how and why we go about creatively manifesting things, people, and events. 

For a brief guided meditation that carries you through the 11 spheres of Kabbalah in your body, see this, from Wellsprings of Life.

2. Plant a tree:
It’s a tradition to plant trees on Tu b’Shevat, or to donate money for the environment. I do have a tree in mind to plant - a small serviceberry in our front yard - but I don't have it yet.

3. Intentions for Earth-Care:
Today I reaffirm these core values and testimonies that capture the possibility of daily right action and are useful in any situation that arises in daily life:

I intend to live with simplicity, using only my share of the earth’s resources, because each person and being in the world, and the earth itself, deserves to live with basic needs met.

I intend to work for the Living World with tenacity, creativity, and courage - by speaking out, writing, joining in actions, and with art and craftivism - because all life on this earth has the right to a safe and healthy environment, and our children need us to make change happen!  

4. Share a Seder meal: 
Eating fruit on this night helps to keep Divine blessings flowing in the world. We will have a fruit seder tonight at sunset.

I usually buy any fruits I feel like, but I try to include some of the seven species of fruits and grains named in the Torah (Deuteronomy 8:8): Wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates. 

We cut the fruit and arrange it on a big platter, and set the table nicely with candles and flowers. (Sometimes I also make some whipped cream, for fun.)

When everything is ready, I light the candles and we say this prayer:

Baruch atah Adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam borey p’ri ha-eyts.

Blessed are You, our God, Who creates the fruit of the tree.

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