May 27, 2024


Seasoning is a Quaker term that means “taking the time to seek the Light" (A Western Quaker Reader). When difficult decisions must be made, it is the Quaker way to slow down for reflection, and allow residual unease or discomfort to surface. Seasoning makes our decisions better - it strengthens them. It gives us an opportunity to listen and appreciate a problem from multiple perspectives. Through this thoughtful process, love and unity are preserved and Friends are able to move forward with confidence in an inclusive and respectful community.
When I take time to season any issue or response in my own life, the additional time to ruminate helps me to ensure that I've taken into account all thoughts and stances.

1. Read "First Things First"
2. Synergy plan
3. Simplify my office

1. Read "First Things First":
I'm reviewing this book by Stephen Covey (1994) that was pivotal in my growth. I skimmed the first chapters, but it's section 3: The Synergy of Interdependence, that I really need to look carefully at. He goes into depth about building relationships, creating a shared vision, and clarifying expectations - all things I need help with.

"...the true synergy of interdependence is created in the very nature of the interaction itself. People are altered. They are transformed. ... It's people interacting in a state of release rather than control."

(I realized as I read this that in my relationships with the people I "always have trouble with", I have an opportunity to alter that reality! I can transform the situation. In other words, I'm culpable in the fact that we don't click.)

He warns that since I'm deeply invested in my independence, efficiency, and control, this new way of interacting - this transformational interdependence - might make me feel vulnerable and unsure. But I am endowed with what I need: 
  • Self-awareness shows me how to listen also to the hearts of others.
  • Conscience allows me to also value the collective conscience, and feel satisfaction in shared vision.
  • My creative imagination can release it in others, leading to creative synergy.
2. Synergy plan:
This week I have NO groups to facilitate, but I'm preparing to clerk the whole Meeting for the next 3-months. My plan is to create a seasoning checklist for the month, that I can use for every issue that arises: 
  • Do I have all the information I need? Am I clear on the issue and its implications?
  • Do I understand my role in the group process (who am I supporting and why?)
  • Have I checked in with my co-clerk, and do we have a shared vision?
  • Have I contacted every committee that might be concerned, and listened to them fully? Are there relationships that I need to work on building?
  • How I am choosing to think, feel, and act in the moment (am I choosing to expand or contract, give or take, contribute or pullback, appreciate or criticize?)
The next step into begin to collect a list of ongoing issues that need to be clerked!

3. Simplify my office:
This week I'm working in my office / sewing room; it's fairly well organized, but filled to the gills. I would love to have shelves that are less tightly packed. My plan is to have a box in the room to off-load things into, and remove one box of stuff each day. I will start with the most tightly packed shelves and drawers, and create a bit more breathing room.
May simplicity is not only about less clutter; it's my goal to have order, to have a home for each thing, and put it back there every day. Also, to find new, creative ways to store my stuff so it looks tidy and is easy to put away.

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