September 30, 2024

Simple Goals

I've focused this
 month on paring down for fall and building my strength of letting go: Less on my schedule, less clutter, less spending, less clinging to control - and more of choosing the essentials in my life. 

Now, as I'm choosing goals for the new month, and I want to consider how much I can manage this fall and winter - How can I pare down? What are my essential priorities? Am I capable of setting aside some of the important work I've begun?

1. Read "The Power of Less"
2. Simple goals
3. The Simple Project List
4. Fall cleaning and gardening

1. Read "The Power of Less":
recently bought this little book by Leo Babauta, who hosts the Zen Habits blog. I bought it because simplifying is a favorite topic of mine, one I long for and keep trying to perfect.

I've skipped to Chapter Seven: Simple Goals and Projects. "Tackling a goal takes energy and focus and motivation, three things that are in limited supply in any person, no matter how driven." He talks about how easy it is to run out of steam, then feel defeated.

He suggests limiting to one goal at a time, and break it into sub-goals, so as not to dilute your effectiveness. Finish that goal in 6-months then move on to the next.

Ways to practice:
  1. Choose one goal that you can complete in 6-months.
  2. Break it into sub-goals that you can do in one month each.
  3. Break the first sub-goal into a weekly goal.
  4. Then each day choose one action that will move you closer to your weekly goal, and make that the most important task of the day.
(I understand the concept, but really? - one goal at a time? That seems unworkable. Even if I choose a really big goal, like "Living my life in unity with nature", then break that down into sub-goals, I still won't cover all my priorities. Maybe I can choose TWO goals?)

2. Simple goals:
Last week, when my partner fell ill, I was able to extract myself from a few responsibilities, but, as the initial stress in my life has reduced a bit, they are already creeping back. I feel guilty for not helping where help is needed, and also I feel out-of-the-loop and cut off from my familiar inner circle.

But no matter what happens going forward, we are going to be under enormous stress this fall and winter, and I need to get a grip! If I'm being honest with myself, my goals for the rest of the year boil down to 
  1. Serving my family, and 
  2. Leading on Earthcare
2. Simple Projects List:
The second part of this chapter is the Simple Projects List. As I know, too many projects leads to ineffectiveness, but I really can't help myself! 

Babauta says to choose three projects only, the top three, and finish those three before starting any others. He suggests that a "project" is something that has several steps, and takes only a week or two.

"The top three projects on your Simple Projects List will be your entire focus until you finish all three ... This ensures that you aren't spreading your focus too thin, and that you are completing your projects." I've got to admit, that would feel good!

Tips: You can't actually do projects - you can only do tasks. Make a list of tasks for each project, and focus on doing one at a time. Each day, choose three tasks to complete.

My simple projects list this week:
  1. Kid: Make seed medallions with my grandsons, exploring glue, seeds, and patterns. (First task: Gather seeds, glue, and plastic lid, and clear surface to work at.)
  2. House: Paint and re-glaze the bedroom windows - or at least half of them. (First task: Find step stool and wire brush, and clean the dirt and dust off the first window.)
  3. Art: Finish sewing the Small Forest appliqué and find a frame and backing. (First task: Sew on the buttons.)
  4. Garden: Remove the lilac roots and prepare the bed for a native flowering red current.
3. Fall cleaning and gardening:
Fall cleaning has an entirely different feel and focus than spring cleaning. In the fall we finish up, pack away, and "batten the hatches" -- we put away all the outdoor stuff, air out the sweaters, and prepare for winter.

This next week I will clean in the bedroom and office. I plan to:
  • Clean and repaint the window frames outside the bedroom and office, and reglaze the windows
  • Sort and pare down my clothes, store away summer things, and get out my sweaters.
  • Clear out mending basket.
  • Pack garden seeds in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
I'm doing the same kind of hatch-battening in the garden:
  • Clean up beds, mulch with leaves and straw
  • Plant winter rye and fava beans
  • Dig out the lilac roots and prepare the bed for a native flowering red current.

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