October 9, 2024

First Quarter Moon and Navratri, Part 3

Navratri continues for the final three nights. The nine nights of Navratri are broken up into sets of three, and during each a different aspect of Shakti is meditated upon. For these final three nights we honor and thank the Divine Mother as Saraswati, who is "the essence of self". Saraswati’s wisdom and knowledge leads to enlightenment, happiness, and peace.

Photo by Alan Gillespie
And this is the First Quarter Moon; we are one-quarter of the way through the moon cycle. The moon is waxing - growing in light and energy, creating a time for decisive action. 

I use this October quarter moon's energy to build my inner wisdom, and take persistent right action on the work I'm called to. For this, I need discernment (insight and clarity), equanimity, and centering in chaos.

Agenda Today:
1. Morning meditation and mantra
2. Journal queries
3. Make a full effort plan
4. Practice visualization
5. Add to my altar

1. Morning meditation and mantra:
During Navratri, Hindus work on their vyavhaar (behaviour) and acharan (character). For these last three days I honor the intuitive aspect of the Mother.

Saraswati is dressed in white, holds a scroll and plays music on a veena. She is called the Flowing-One because she comes from the river, and offers the gift of fluidity in speech and thought. She is the embodiment of the knowledge of Truth and spiritual wisdom. Saraswati shines with the pure light and uplifting energy of sattwa.

On my path I pass through the stages that everyone has to pass through - one naturally leads to the next. As I eliminate an undesirable quality, I develop the virtue opposite to it. Each time I succeed in developing and strengthening my good qualities, I am ready to receive another bit of the Light, moving towards enlightenment - that's what the nine days of Navratri are all about.

On each morning of Navratri I light a small white candle. For these last three mornings I meditate on my inner wisdom, and the new light and understanding I have received this season.
I picture this Mother spirit sitting on the blossom of my heart, sprinkling me with cleansing waters, and shining the light of wisdom, peace, and Truth.

I continue to focus on my image of Saraswati and chant- 
  • Om - the primordial sound 
  • Aim - from which knowledge and powers of speech emanate 
  • Sa-ra-swath-yai - goddess of wisdom 
  • Na-ma-ha - I pray.
(You might want to chant along with someone who knows how. Many YouTube versions exist, and my favorite is here.)

2. Journal queries:
Today, at the first quarter moon, I prepare to give full effort to my priorities. My theme is synergy, which requires me to seek unity, embrace teamwork, live holistically, and take persistent right action. I remember that for each opportunity in life there is a challenge. The challenge to synergy is rigidity. If I’m stubborn and uncompromising, I can't be a useful teammate. Practice giving in, and being willing to offer help.
What do I need (tools, information, allies) in order to best practice the habits of synergy (flexibility, love, unity, right action)?

What do I need to do or learn in order to be a better team player at home and on my committees?
3. Make a full effort plan:
At the first quarter moon, I prepare to give full effort to my priorities. Full effort requires:
  • Attention: You remember what it is you want to do and your deepest reasons why - and also notice your emotions, energy, challenges, etc.
  • A spark of energy and determination: You connect to your excitement for life, and sustain it long enough to accomplish your priorities.
This fall I've honed it down to two essential priority - Family and Earthcare, and simplified to three or four projects per week: This week - pumpkin projects with the kids, painting the kitchen windows, finishing my appliqué, and removing a lilac to plant a new native.

The best tip is that you can't actually do projects - you can only do tasks. I made a list of tasks for each project, and do one task each day. It's been great! I have actually been able to chip away at these three projects much more effectively than ever before.

Today I made a Full Effort plan for completing my projects:
  1. Build energy for my project by reviewing those I want to work on in the morning and listing what I need to prepare.
  2. Gather the supplies I need and set them out on the table. 
  3. When the time comes to act on one of my projects, I will focus my full attention on this one undertaking, and lean in to it with excitement and curiosity. I use the notion of "leaning in" as a body-mind-heart training.
5. Practice visualization:
I call on the practice of visualization to help bring my goals to fruition. Today I shine a light on my need for equanimity and centering in chaos; I need to practice this every day!. 

Creative visualization is a technique that uses my imagination to create change. It has three steps:
  • First, center and relax each part of my body; count from 10 to 1, then open a connection to Spirit. Feel a soft warmth begin to grow and spread through me, until I am radiating quiet energy.
  • Second, create a clear, detailed picture in my mind, as though the objective has been reached. Paint a vivid mental image of calm in chaos, and put as much positive energy into the image as possible. 
  • Lastly, affirm that this is what I want with a short positive phrase in the present tense: "Today I will remain calm as chaos engulfs me."
The thought-image is like a signal-flare that guides the physical thing or deed to manifest in my life (or it's just a good way to keep my intentions in my mind). I will carry the vision of the completed goal with me, and focus on it often during the day, in a gentle manner.

6. Add to my altar:
For the next three nights the Mother is invoked as Saraswati,
 the Goddess of learning, wisdom, speech, music, and all the creative arts. Hindus often put books and art tools on the puja so that Saraswati can bless them.

Today I added paintbrushes to rededicate myself to creative expression.

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