October 17, 2024

Full Squirrel Moon

Tonight is the full moon called the Squirrel Moon, because now the squirrels are busily gathering nuts for the winter. This moon is also called Atchalankuaik, the "start getting sagittair roots" moon, by the Kalapuya of our area (sagittair is a potato like tuber). 

We are now at the peak of the strong-energy yang phase of the waxing moon, and will soon begin the quiet-energy yin time of the waning moon.

1. Read "First Things First"
2. Take a vision walk
3. Celebrate synergy

1. Read "First Things First":
I'm reviewing this book by Stephen Covey (1994) that was pivotal in my growth, focusing on section 3: The Synergy of Interdependence.

Covey says that interdependence is not transactional, but rather transformational: He talks about the "serendipitous potential of creating synergistic third alternatives"

Chapter 12 is First Things First Together. It's a review of vision, roles, and goals from an interdependent perspective.

It's important for every committee, organization, and family to have a shared vision of their essential purpose. He describes his family's mission statement as "unifying, energizing, harmonizing, and life-directing." He also suggests that you can have a mission for a particular trip (and perhaps a surgery) and then each member of the family can take a role to enforce the mission.

Ou family mission statement might be something like "We will pull together to give each other support during this difficult time, taking on the roles we are each best suited for, and being on the look-out for ways to relieve stress from each other, and show our love and care for each other. 

2. Take a vision walk:
The full moon shines a bright light on everything, and I might experience intuitive and creative breakthroughs. I might be shocked by the clarity of my insights. I might see some ugliness - the full moon illuminates all the things I've left in the shadows, some heavy truths and some embarrassing mistakes.

Today I call on the Spirit of Light to guide me, bring me clarity and open my eyes. What is the Truth that is coming into focus for me now? 
What are the elements to finding joy and meaning in everyday life? What is the wholeness I am inviting? 

What is the right action I'm taking, and towards what "better end"?

Where do I need inspiration or a helping hand? Who are the angels in my life?

What is the unity I am seeking? What is my experience with flexibility?

3. Celebrate synergy:
My theme this month is synergy - the ability to seek unity, embrace teamwork, live holistically, and work tirelessly towards a better end. Synergy is the eternally active primal force of creation: No matter what the conditions are, they will change. You create synergy in your life when you make the effort to see clearly, stay open-minded, and take persistent right action. Synergy will allow you to experience the people in your life as angels, and the places you live, work, and play as paradise.

Today I remind myself of my intentions for the month, and then celebrate how far I've come, give thanks for the lessons learned and the blessings received, and reaffirm this theme for the next two weeks. Each month I choose a different way to celebrate the full moon, and I am ready to celebrate synergy today in these ways:
  1. Send a family vision statement and need for help email.
  2. Write a Pre-op timeline and menu.
  3. Have a fun and calm time with youngest grandson.

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