October 5, 2024

Retreat for Synergy

I'm exploring and celebrating synergy today
the ability to seek unity, embrace teamwork, live holistically, and work tirelessly towards a better end. Synergy is the eternally active primal force of creation: No matter what the conditions are, they will change.

I've temporarily simplified down to the two essential priorities in my life - family and earth care - so today I'll set some intentions and make some plans for how to create synergy for those priorities.

1. Read "First Things First"
2. Team synergy plan
3. Practice the Stoic Art of Inquiry
4. Earth Care intentions
5. Synergy Walk

1. Read "First Things First":
I'm reviewing this book by Stephen Covey (1994) that was pivotal in my growth, focusing on section 3: The Synergy of Interdependence.

Covey says that interdependence is not transactional, but rather transformational: He talks about the "serendipitous potential of creating synergistic third alternatives". He mentions the richness of relationships, the adventure of discovery, the fulfillment of putting people first, and the joy of creating something together. (He doesn't call it Unity, but he might as well be talking about Quaker process.)

This chapter zings me every time I read it, because my limitations in life revolve around being inflexible, and needing to be in control. "But when you want to have an enlarged contribution, and to get in to transformational interdependency that's truly synergistic and creative and becomes a force in its own right, -- then you leave the safe haven of superior control and become vulnerable. ... Life then becomes a real adventure." 

"Self-awareness empowers us to have other awareness. Because we know how to listen to our heart, we can listen to the heart of others. We can ... seek to understand. ... We can progress beyond the narcissistic stage, value the difference, be willing to be influenced."

2. Care Team synergy plan:
The team I'm depending on now are my family and friends, who are pulling together to offer help as they are able. It's not always the perfect help at the perfect time, and, in any case, asking for and accepting help is fraught with discomfort.

My plan is to: 
1. Be prepared - Take time each morning to create a "Care Team agenda", gather all the information I need, and understand my role in the group process (remember who I am supporting and why).

2. Work at clarity - Take time to meditate on my relationships with each person on my team, and my expectations and needs. Ask myself (and make notes):
  • How can I balance need for efficiency with time spent nurturing relationship?
  • How can I release my need for control enough for others to take over some burdens?
  • How can I better clarify our needs and expectations up front, to prevent problems and conflicts from occurring?
  • How can I feed the relationship so that effective communication can occur?
3. Practice stoic inquiry - ask myself in the moment - how I am choosing to think, feel, and act (am I choosing to expand or contract, give or take, contribute or pullback, appreciate or criticize?)

3. Practice the Stoic Art of Inquiry:
I encounter obstacles each day that threaten to stop me from achieving my goals: Lack of money, lack of knowledge, people making demands... but my own inner voices are among the biggest obstacles, and over those I have complete control.

Today I will take Marcus Aurelius’ advice: “Advance cautiously” towards what I know to be just." 

When I hear that little rebellious voice saying "I don't want to!": Relax, pause in my day, be curious, be aware, and love myself. Identify the thought, and the feeling that underlies it, and be skeptical. Ask-

Is it true? Can I absolutely know it’s true? 

What happens when I believe it? How do I react? 

Who would I be without the thought?

Find 3 ways to turn the thought upside down to its opposite so that every “bad” becomes a new source of good. What is the opportunity? 

Give myself some time to gently puzzle over the mess and, after a while, I will have a flash of insight and a fresh take on what is true. The Buddha called it “turning an arrow into a flower”.

Be a stoic- “Relaxed but alert, cheerful but determined—such is reason’s faithful follower,” and spend each day as if it were my last, “without frenzy, laziness, or any pretending.”

4. Earth Care intentions:
My goal with earth care this fall and winter is to keep on keeping on. I will work on as many fronts as I have energy for, but reduce my time commitment and scope. 

My intentions fall into these categories:

I intend to continue to live in unity with nature and practice Nature-Culture habits (specifically this fall: Stay in touch with my fall ecosystem; plant more natives; wild garden mulching and clean-up; building better soil; and some fall plastics goals for causing less harm) - because my nature-spirit connection needs attention and care in order to grow. 
I intend to continue to be the liaison for the Earthcare Support Group, and write a blog, lead a monthly meeting, send updates and reports, connect with the Interfaith group, and work on (limited) events and projects, because I want to maintain Earthcare as part of our Meeting's identity.
I intend to continue to work on challenging Earth Art projects: Collage, painting, craftivism, and other creative hands-on projects with an earth-care focus - one project at a time, until it is finished - because making things is a prayer and one way I express my Unity with the Earth, and simplicity demands that I work with attention and tenacity, and finish things I start.
I intend to update and expand my Dragonfly Studio website, which is a space for me to connect to others who are also acting to create the change that Nature needs: a place for me to witness, share my ideas and projects, share links, invite input, offer classes and writing and artwork (some for sale and some for free) - because my purpose is to be a creative force in the world.

This seems like too much, so I'll be careful to define weekly limits. 

5. Synergy Walk:
 I will practice this walking meditation all month - walking like a curious cat, looking freshly at the world and making no assumptions:
1. Physical synergy: Concentrate on my feet as they touch the ground, the feel of my muscles, my breathing, my surroundings, the breeze, the sky. Ask: What is the wholeness I am missing? Continue this for 1-2 blocks. 
2. Heart synergy: Turn a corner, and focus on my tender heart. Feel it soften and open. Ask: What is the unity I am seeking? Continue this for 1-2 blocks. 
3. Mindfulness: Turn another corner, and pay attention to my thoughts. Make an effort to open my mind to the ambiguity of the moment, and my life. Ask: What is the question I am asking? Continue this for 1-2 blocks. 
4. Spiritual synergy: Turn the last corner, and (holding on to the awareness I've raised) speak a prayer out loud as I’m moving; feel the power and energy move through me. Say, Spirit of Love-Light-Creation, I remember thee. Amen.

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