August 29, 2024

End of August Wrap Up

This final week of August has been fraught with worry about the health of my family as they navigate Covid, uncertainty about our travel plans, and then full on Covid hibernation in my house 

Today I settle into the waning moon energy - yin, quiet, internal, heart-driven, intentional Being-ness; I ease off a bit on actively pursuing goals, slow down, go within, and attend to inner work and self-care, and give gentle attention to tying up loose ends.

1. Read Total Chakra Energy Plan
2. Solar plexus chakra practice
3. Tying loose ends

1. Read Total Chakra Energy Plan:
I'm reading this pretty book by Anna Selby (2009). 
The author suggests that I work systematically through from the root Chaka to the crown, then start again with the root, in a continuous cycle. The aim is to bring my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies into balance.

I'm on the 4th chapter - the Heart Chakra, the link between the lower (personal and physical) chakras, and the upper (spiritual and universal) chakras. The Heart chakra is - surprise! - the center of love and compassion:

Balanced heart = Creative and inspired; able to fulfill your hopes and dreams, and give and receive unconditional love.
Closed heart = Unable to forgive; creatively blocked.
Excessive heart = Poor out too much energy helping others.

2. Heart chakra practice:
The easiest way to balance the heart chakra is with massage, with creative expression, and with a compassion meditation.

Also, try this chi-gong practice:
  1. Practice Separating the Clouds up to 20 times.
  2. Move to Flying Dove, a few times on each side.
3. Tying loose ends:
I hope that I am recovered enough today to complete a few key things - a poster I want to send out today, an Earthcare blog post, and some hearthkeeper business. If not - Oh well! I am going to engage in self-compassion and let my sick body rest.

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