The Chinese call the seventh new moon the Hungry Ghost Moon, or Ghost Gate. This whole month is called Ghost Month, and special ceremonies take place today, and on the full moon, and again on the last day of the month.
This day is called Ghost Gate because today the Hungry Ghosts are let out of hell to roam the earth, looking for entertainment and seeking out their enemies.
The Hungry Ghosts are depicted with huge, round bellies, large mouths, and very thin necks. They have two manifestations: They appear as the spirits of unhappy, homeless souls, and we also have our inner hungry ghosts. This month I acknowledge my unhealthy cravings and insatiable greeds, that are always hungry and never satisfied, and that haunt me - though I'm so used to feeding them, I don't really notice them anymore.
The new moon is the start of the lunar cycle, a time of high energy and clear thinking. Historically, the new moon is when women took time to be alone; it's a time to retreat, set intentions, and initiate something new.
Agenda for Today:
1. Journal queries
2. Choose a month theme3. Set intentions
4. New moon altar
5. Ghost Gate ceremony
6. Retreat Day plans
Describe my life path now - Is it clear or foggy?
What gives me the feeling of meaning in my life?
Do I persistently create meaningful moments?
What am I hungry for?
Which of my cravings are unhealthy? Am I ready and able to release them?
What are my next steps in life?
From my journal: I'm on a rich and varied path that is clear, steady and straight, and leads to a wiser and happier me. My path is fulfilling, honest, and meaningful, but not easy - I take many breaks to catch my breath. If I had one wish to be granted it would be for greater daily tenacity and physical energy.
2. Choose a month theme:Today I choose depth as my theme for the next month, and begin to give attention to it. I reach my depths when I follow the true course of my life, like a river flowing through a deep ravine. Staying on my path requires courage, honesty, and persistence. The path is always mysterious, and leads to unexpected challenges and changes. I’m directed back at every turn into the deep waters within myself, to discern the best route.
Goals for this area might be to find my true purpose in life, gain greater courage or persistence, make a change in my job or career, or discern my “natural” course.
This month I'll discern my next steps on my path, study transforming power and make a plan for utilizing it, and go deep with self-care and energy building. My depth practices this month are:
1. A Discipline Journal, for listing my priorities and the virtues associated with them.
2. A daily Depth walk (savor, discern, empathize, commit).
3. Beingness routine for gathering afternoon energy and balance.
3. Set intentions:
Last week I brainstormed some wild and crazy ideas for the next 30 days, and today it's time to narrow it down a little, to the priority items that I could possibly focus on this next month. This isn't a list of the practical things I need to do this month; rather it's my top actions, studies, and growth goals that fit with the "taste" of this month of my life.
After I list my top goals for the next 30 days, I'm ready to set some intentions for action. I chose a few to write today - those I might act on today - then I'll work on a few more each day this week.
I intend to practice an afternoon Beingness routine with water, an energy snack, stretches or dancing, and 15-minutes of creative work on a fulfilling project, because making self-care and creativity a routine will help me to enjoy the present moment and gather afternoon energy and balance, at a time when I often feel exhausted and a little depressed.
I intend to give daily attention to the End of Summer garden - harvesting and preserving as much as I can, collecting seeds, preparing winter garden beds, and starting fall planting - because my garden is a sacred trust with the earth, and caring for it year round with integrity is how I live my testimony of Unity.
I intend to practice the transformative habits that will give me the power and persistence to change the world - such as a Discipline Journal and a Beingness routine - and take the tiny steps I need to take towards my goals, because my natural course is deep and wise.
4. New Moon Altar:It's time to discern what to put on my altar for the next four weeks. (For my thoughts on altars see About Altars). I generally keep it simple and choose only things that speak to me and feed me, and reveal what I believe in. I ask, what quality of Spirit do I want to invoke? I will keep from last month:- a sun, for clarity and yang energy
- a soapstone dog, for vigilance, and to remind me to stay loyal to my pack
Today I add-- a dark blue candle, for depth, purpose, and persistence.
- a conch shell, for the ocean, and to awaken my heart to Truth
Next I light a small white candle on my altar, and picture each of my intentions accomplished. Then I let go of expectations, and feel myself fill with thankfulness for all I have now in my life.
5. Ghost Gate Ceremony:
Today, at the Ghost Gate, I light incense for my unknown ancestors and all the other wandering souls. I'm not afraid that they will attack me, but I think the least I can do is take a moment to send peaceful wishes.
After I've said a little prayer to those Hungry Ghosts, I meditate on my inner hungry ghosts-- the cravings I have for comfort, cookies, and getting my way in life. As the incense burns, I picture my greediness floating away.
6. Retreat Day plan and Beingness routine:
I'll start my new moon retreat this afternoon and continue through tomorrow. My plan is to practice a stretched-out version of a Beingness routine this afternoon:
- Drink a glass of water
- Eat an energy snack
- Practice some qigong and yoga stretches
- Creative work on a fulfilling project.
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