August 12, 2024

First Quarter Moon of August

The first quarter moon
is today; we are one-quarter of the way through the moon cycle. The moon is waxing - growing in light and energy, creating a time for decisive action. I use this August quarter moon's energy to help me to dive deeper into my Truth and then act on it; this requires some open-mindedness, and a reliable connection to my inner guide.

Some people call it intuition, or a gut feeling. You might experience it as butterflies, or tingling on the back of the neck, or as a flash that takes the breath away. Others feel it in their heart; and some might call it a guiding voice, or leading of the spirit. It's that flash of insight, or creative impulse, or sudden clarity you get when you've been working out a problem; or it might be a leading or itch to act on something you never thought of before. It's sometimes quiet and subtle, and sometimes loud and clear.

And when your Inner Guide speaks to you with a message that seems foreign to how you normally think (maybe a rush of new hopefulness, or an urging to action), then it's hard to not credit it to a something outside yourself.

Who's to say?

Agenda Today:
1. Journal queries
 Go on a vision walk
3. Make a full effort plan

1. Journal queries:
At the first quarter moon I prepare to give full effort to my priorities. I remember that for each opportunity in life there is a challenge.

The challenge to awareness is ignorance and confusion. If I'm uninformed or mystified, I cannot be truly conscious or aware of my path. Practice centering, and seeing clearly.

What are my most important reasons for living? What are my priorities? What would my best life look like? What actions give me the feeling of a meaningful life, and best support my beliefs and values? 

If there were no barriers to what I could do in life, what new work would I undertake that would bring me personal fulfillment?

What potential challenges and obstacles do I face this week and month (things I don’t enjoy, don’t know how to approach, or feel blocked on)? How can I best meet these challenges?

What do I need (tools, information, allies) to help me on my path?

From my journal: I'm in the depths of some challenging areas of study. Right now, I feel the push of Spirit to continue, but I will need the strength of my convictions, and some friendly support, to follow them through to the end. Where is that support going to come from?

2. Go on a Vision Walk
The last few days I've been working on a journal brainstorm, writing out my conscious, top-of -the-mind ideas about where I would like to go in my life in the next month. Today I'll take another pass at it, this time, accessing my deeper, intuitive mind - my connection to God, or the Inner Guide.

We have infinite ways to connect to our Inner Guides; I do it in my journal, or in silence, or on a walk, or in Meeting for Worship in the Quaker style. It gets easier with practice, and when you have developed a true friendship with yourself you will begin to connect to and trust the voice of your Inner Guide.

Today I will practice opening to this guide intentionally, by putting myself into a relaxed, trance-like state, and seeking a leading of the spirit with an open mind and heart.
  • Craft a clear intention: "Today I call on the Spirit of Love to guide me in the next days of my life, and ask, What are my next steps? Where should I seek help? What do I need to loosen my grip on?"
  • Relax, breathe, walk or float: With each breath, allow awareness to deepen and become softer. No stress. No rush. Walk or float in an imaginary void (or I might feel the need to stand and walk around my actual space, or move to the beat).

  • Go through a door: When I feel ready, see myself moving through a doorway or opening into another space. Take time to settle there, in a safe, dark, warm place.

  • Open to messages and gifts: I might get a vision, or thoughts, or just a feeling.

  • Give thanks and return: I acknowledge the reality of the gift by saying thanks out loud. Then, turn around and exit the way I came in.

  • Journal: In about 15-minutes, or when the music ends, get up and quickly write (or draw) in my journal the images and thoughts that came to me, without editing or judging. Some of these might be symbolic messages - I can let them float around in my brain for the rest of the week, and review them later.

And remember that no matter how compelling the voice and urging of my Inner Guide, it is only part of the process of discernment, and should be tested before I take action.

3. Make a full effort plan:
At any point in my life I will always have some things to pause and think about, and other things I'm ready to act decisively on. I have one large venture before me this month: My Unity with Forests project, which has many arms and legs - writing, artwork, kid crafts, craftivism, and activism.

All of these projects will require my Full Effort: I'll need to connect to my excitement for life, and sustain it long enough to accomplish my goal. 
Full effort requires attention; I remember my intentions - what it is I want to do and my deepest reasons why - and also notice my emotions, energy, challenges, etc.

My intention is to hold forests in the Light this week as I explore my relationship to them, and seek a closer unity in heart and in action, so that I can find the energy and determination to be the human that forests need. Forests are homes for tree, and trees I can connect with individually here at my home.

My plan / schedule:

  1. Monday-Friday: I intend to study and write about forests and climate, and sort out the controversy about old growth logging, for both of my blogs.
  2. Tuesday: I'll play with making a tree collage with my grandsons, and collect more tree cones, and get close to trees with my grandsons.
  3. Tuesday: I'll list out the things I can do and habits I can change to benefit forests.
  4. Wednesday: I'll sew my forest appliqué; finish the trees and start the background.
  5. Wednesday: I'll attend the Foliage Fest, to network with other forest and climate activists, and while I'm near the woods, I'll take photos of trees
  6. Thursday: I'll write some Good Fortunes for forests for my collage, and print them.
  7. Friday: I'll practice watercolor of trees, so I can add these to my collage.
  8. Saturday: I'll design a forest tag to hang on cones, for a craftivism action in the future.

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