August 17, 2024

Sabbath for Depth

Today is my Sabbath.
 In the best world, everyone would have one whole day each week to spend as we want; to stay in bed, read a good book, take a slow walk or do a crossword; one whole day to do no work, run no errands, send no emails, and clean no toilets! And why don't we? Mostly because we don't make it a priority.

A sabbath day was originally a day of renewal, and rest from work, kept on Saturday by the Jews and Sunday by most Christians. And, of course, when religious people got involved, the day got bound up with "shall and shall nots". Keeping the day holy became a lot of work, and people were arrested if they didn't do it right; enforced rest is not usually very relaxing or renewing! 

In the modern world we have swung the pendulum too far the other way, escaping religious rules and adopting the rules of progress, where no day is holy - only the dollar.

My theme today is Depth: What is my Truth, and what are my intentions? What are my next steps? 

Sabbath Agenda:
1. Simple sabbath plans
2. Read "The Creativity Book"
3. Plant beets
4. Depth walk
1. Simple sabbath plans:

Keeping a sabbath day is a personal thing. For me, it's a day with a slow pace. I don't pack it as full. I schedule some work, but it has a flavor of rest to it - it's work I find fulfilling, or uplifting.

Simple is a great word to describe my ideal activities for the Sabbath: Simple tasks, simple foods, and an undemanding schedule.

Keeping a sabbath starts with a little simple discipline: I prepare for my sabbath by finishing business on the day before; getting all possible deadlines finished, shopping, and "un-fun" chores. I practice the discipline of saying no to requests that seem like work, and yes to sabbath-like activities.

My perfect sabbath is a celebration, a holiday. I keep it holy with my attitude: I try not to rush, complain, or worry. I open myself to the Spirit of Love, and schedule activities 
that celebrate the season or the act of creativity or the joy of community or are satisfyingly peaceful in nature. 

Today, I plan some reading, writing, artwork, gardening, and a walk in the summer rain!

I challenge you to define what a perfect day of rest would look like to you. What are the actions and mind-sets that send you into work mode and how can you stop them for 24 hours? What are the actions and mind-sets that send you into contentment? How can you create a day that fulfills you, rests your heart, and doesn’t create more stress?

2. Read the Creativity Book:
A few years ago I started but didn't finish this book by Eric Maisel (one of my favorite writers). The subtitle is "A Year's Worth of Inspiration and Guidance." Who doesn't want that? 

I'm on to Week 17: Dive. This section is about going deep as a creator, and taking the risks that go with that: The risk of answering hard questions; devoting years; facing inadequacies; starting over. 

"Creators are continuously confronted by darkness. That's where all their new work resides. ... The truth is that you must proceed blind and uncertain. ...some vast darkness does await you. You must proceed through it with only a little light to guide your no light at all."

3. Plant beets:
Spring beets still growing!
When planting anything for the fall, make sure you plant early enough to mature before the first frost date (FFD), which for us is on October 20th. I've made myself a weekly planting schedule, and this week - it's beets!
  • Beets - direct sow 9 weeks before first frost- August 18.
The beet (Beta vulgaris) is descended from the sea beet, a wild seashore plant growing around the Mediterranean and along the coasts of Europe and North Africa. The native sea beet was primarily eaten for its leaves rather than its root, which was like a skinny carrot.

Beets are a year round crop. I make two plantings each year, now and again in the spring, for an all season harvest. Beets grow well with onions and garlic, lettuce, radishes, strong-scented herbs, and the cabbage family. Don't plant them near to pole beans, field mustard, or chard. Beet leaves are composed of 25% magnesiums, so be sure to compost any you don't eat.

Beets prefer to be planted in moist soil that has reached 50°F.  They may be planted in the spring or fall, as long as the air temperature stays below 75°F and they are kept from drying out, but need 9 weeks to mature before a hard frost hits.

For best results soak the seeds for a couple hours in water and keep the soil moist until they germinate and get established - I will cover the area with burlap and put a soaker hose directly over it to keep it cool and moist.

4. Depth Walk:

I will practice this walking meditation as often as possible this next week, as I focus on depth and my life path.


1. Savor: Name out everything that is wonderful about my life on this day and in this moment. Continue this for 1-2 blocks. 


2. Discern: Turn a corner, and bring attention to my path. Where is it leading me today? What are my top priorities and how can I meet them with determination? Continue this for 1-2 blocks.


3. Empathize: Turn a corner, and focus on my tender heart. Send loving thoughts to my neighbors, my family, my community, the world, and plan how I will connect with them today. Continue this for 1-2 blocks. 


4. Commit: Turn the last corner, and speak a prayer out loud - “Spirit of the Universe, Give me Light to fulfill my purpose right now: to love and serve my family,  my community, and the Earth, lead a simple life of integrity, and be a creative force."

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